A good time on Friday, Sept. 20 on the outfield grass of Avista Stadium, home of the Spokane Indians baseball team. Coming in, I noticed a plaque telling the world that this is one team that can call itself the Indians without controversy.
Some thirty-plus brewers had set up on the outfield grass: a few, like No-Li here in Spokane and Bale Breaker in Yakima get over the mountains to Western Wash, while most do not. The barley growers have an association and had set up a stand reminding us that all our favorite styles begin with their crops. And the hop union was there, as well.
In downtown Spokane a craft beer incubator has opened up, a building where entrepreneurs can move out of their garages and start brewing commercially. I met one, TT's Brewing, that had just graduated from the incubator and opened up their own brew space recently.
(Visited 09/20/19)
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