One of the longer lines at the Everett craft beer festival last month stretched out in front of the recently launched At Large Brewing Co. Opened last April by Jim Weisweaver and his wife Karen, At Large
grew out of Jim's increasing commitment to homebrewing excellence and an academic assignment for Karen. She took a business class where the term paper was to be on the startup process for either a hypothetical business or an actual business. As Jim had been filling their garage with bigger and better homebrew gear, they decided to create the actual business for her class paper.
They make beer one full barrel (31 gallons) at a time, finishing in a brite tank enclosed in a chilled glass compartment.
The styles are classics, nothing exotic. A couple of IPAs. a brown, a pale, and a blonde, I'd Tap That, which was one of the hits at the festival.
Another was a watermelon infused cream ale, which Jim made only because the festival wanted every brewer to dispense one beer through a randall. "I'm no fan of fruit beers in general," Jim says, "but they make the rules, and as we've only been open since April, we cut up some watermelon and went along." The couple have day jobs and brewing is something done in the evenings. "If I could brew all day long, I'd have a dozen styles up," Jim says, "but I can't so I don't."
(Visited 09/05/15)
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