Three years ago, Adam and Grace Robbings gave birth to a son, Reuben. Adam came from a distinguished home-brewing career and they decided to launch a commercial brewery a year ago. August 5, 2012, to be exact. Reuben's Brews is coming up on one year old even as its namesake blows out three candles.
This brewery and taproom shares a block on NW 53rd St. with commercial and industrial neigbhors: the Bardahl Oil plant across the street has a giant sign that can serve as a beacon for the beer seeker.
Reuben's manages to find some square footage for beer garden atmosphere along the sidewalk.
Inside, a five-barrel brewing system and row of fermenters share the floor with taproom tables.
Some noteworthy aspects of the brews at Reuben's. (1) They make a Kolsch and serve it in the correct type of glass. (2) Out of 11 taps of their own beers, 3 were IPAs the day I stopped by. (3) Their initial foray into bottling, in 22-oz. bombers, features three types of rye-based ales: Roggenbier (Roggen being rye in German, I gathered), American Rye, and Imperial Rye IPA. I tried the Roggenbier, which sends hints of cloves and bananas, a sweet & spicy combo which belies the 80+ IBUs ratng.
By the time little Reuben is old enough to buy a beer in Washington state, I'm betting his namesake brews will be well-established and going strong.
(Visited 7/26/13)
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