Back in Washington!
In the first block off Lee Ave in Richland, a good stop after several hours touring the Hanford site's radioactive cleanup work, I find one of the newer brewers. Paper Street is named for a location in the movie Fight Club, screenplay written by a local guy from the Tri-Cities area.
That's what Robbie Burns, the founder and brewer says. and it would have been his call. He brews over in Pasco and brings the kegs across the Columbia River to the taproom here, has been operating that way four years now.
Some of the ales evoke the big historical stories of the Tri-Cities, like 96 Bones IPA, for the discovery of the 9,000 year old skeleton known as the Kennewick Man in 1996, or Secret Keeper, for the people making plutonium at the B Reactor for the atomic bomb in 1944-45. Nothing as yet for the paranormal novels of Patricia Briggs, all set in this area.
No ales with haggis ingredients, although that would be a fun nod to Burns' namesake, the 18th century Scots poet. He did make something with a bit of Greek yogurt when I was there.
(Visited 07/17/18)