West Seattle, the part-industrial, part-funky section, linked to the rest of the city by a couple of problematic bridges...this is where the Elliott Bay Brewing Co. started out in 1997. The location is squeezed into the middle of an urban block on South California Street, giving it a cozy feeling.
This was its look in early December, on my way to the Winter Beer Festival at Hales. Elliott Bay doesn't run quite as many taps as they do at the newer Burien location, and did not appear to have as many certified organic ales here. That is evidently a function of space, as the philosophy appears to be the same: better-than-average pub food, lots of local artists on the walls, and plugged-into-the-community feeling.
(Visited 12/02/11)
Alphabetical index of Wash. breweries seen in 2011
name city month posted
Airways Br. Kent 1
American Br. Edmonds 3
Atomic Alehouse Richland 5
Columbia Valley Wenatchee 7
Elk Head Buckley 2
Elliott Bay Br. Burien, W. Sea. 1, 10, 12
Elysian Br. Seattle 8
Ice Harbor Br. Kennewick 5
Icicle Br. Leavenworth 4
Iron Horse Br. Ellensburg 1
Laht Neppur Waitsburg 5
M.T.Head Br. Graham 1
Maritime Pacific Seattle 1
Powerhouse Rest.Puyallup 2
Rattlesnake Br. Richland 5
Riverport Br. Clarkston 5
Seven Seas Br Gig Harbor 3
Skye Book&Br. Dayton 5
Snipes Mt. Br. Sunnyside 5
Twin Rivers Br Monroe 1
Two Beers Br. Seattle 1
Yakima Craft Br Yakima 2